Code Of Conduct


  1. Ensure that the environment is as safe as possible for training & competition

  2. Any physical contact with athletes should be appropriate to the situation; ask permission

  3. Promote the execution of safe & correct practice at all times

  4. Be professional in their work & accept responsibility for their actionsRecognise the power inherent in the position as a coach; do not abuse this trust.

  5. Contribute to the development of triathlon coaching by exchanging knowledge & ideasAcknowledge limitations of the knowledge & competence of athletes.

  6. Operate in line with appropriate coaching qualifications and the level attained

  7. Ensure valid & appropriate insurance is held for coaching activities.

  8. Know the rules & regulations well, apply them impartially at all times

  9. Make a personal commitment to providing a quality service to participants at all times.

  10. Take pride in being a coach;project image of health & use appropriate language / actions

  11. Have self-awareness &ability to reflect critically on influencing others

  12. Empower triathletes to be responsible for their own decisions

  13. Avoid sexual intimacy with triathletes while coaching them

  14. Clarify the nature of the coaching services being offered to triathletes in advance

  15. Follow appropriate welfare guidance & take actions if necessary around a child ATHLETE STANDARDS

  16. Follow all rules & never deliberately break a rule

  17. Aim to compete fairly, using talent & ability to win; never cheat or win illegally

  18. Respect all race & technical officials & their decisions

  19. Recognise & acknowledge good performance by others

  20. Maintain dignity in all circumstances; demonstrate self-control

  21. Be fair, honest & considerate to athletes& others in the sport

  22. Never be under the influence of alcohol at training sessions as a volunteer, coach or athlete

  23. Be a positive role model for triathletes, the club & the sport of triathlon

  24. Do not engage in behaviour that constitutes any form of abuse

  25. Promote welfare & best interests of all athletes

  26. Communicate & co-operate with other organisation & individuals when required By taking part in activities associated with Rochdale Triathlon Club, I aspire to always abide by the guidelines in this document during the time I am associated with Rochdale Triathlon Club as an athlete, volunteer or coach.